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SALE PENDING---2012 Orchard-Rite Shaker
2012 Orchard-Rite Mono-Boom Shaker with Caterpillar turbo di (...)

Gould Shaker
1965 Gould Shaker mounted on a 1950 International I-4 tracto (...)

SOLD---OMC Mono-Boom Shaker
2019 OMC Shaker like new with only 2200 hours, tier 4 final

SOLD---2011 Orchard-Rite Shaker
2011 Orchard-Rite mono boom Shaker with Caterpillar engine j (...)

SOLD---OMC Mono-Boom Shaker
2002 OMC Shaker with John Deere 6.8 L diesel engine excellen (...)

SOLD---OMC Mono-Boom Shaker
1987 OMC shaker with John Deere diesel and air cab and Magnu (...)

SOLD--OMC Mono-Boom Shaker
2015 OMC Monoboom shaker with air conditioning automatic rot (...)

SOLD---Orchard Rite Shaker
1996 Orchard Rite Monoboom Shaker with John Deere 6-359 dies (...)

SOLD---OMC Mono-Boom Shaker
2020 just like new caterpillar twin turbo diesels $95,000. (...)

SOLD---OMC Mono-Boom Shaker
2011 OMC mono boom Shaker with Cummins diesel rotary sweeps (...)